Thursday, September 17, 2015

1935 Movie: Tom's Loan

Studio: Columbia Pictures. They are known for the director Frank Capra and his romantic feel good movies that brought people to escape with the Great depression still on effect to the people. Columbia wasn't widely liked at the time so their production budgets were smaller then other film production companies.

Director: Frank Capra
 He was a well deserved director who won 3 oscars as best director.
Because of Capras' engineering education he was more easily adapted to sound technology then most other directors. 

Cinematographer: Joseph Walker 
He collaborated with Capra in 20 films and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography four times. 

Actors: James Stewart, Jean Arthur 
Stewart was a recurring actor in Capras films and he became a perfect fit for Capras
Frank Capra
american fables and was known for the innocent man who learns what life is truly about. 
And Jean was a role in numerous comedy dramas who costarred with Stewart and was also a recurring actress in Capras films. 

Genre: In this time, it will be very much appreciated by the poor families in the 30's because it will be a Drama. It includes depression, vulnerability, hope, and love.

This film starts with a flashback of 6 years ago when husband and wife Tom and Jennifer(James and Jean) lose their savings from the Depression and are terribly upset in this situation. They lose their cars, house, and all hope for America. Jennifer also has a miscarriage with their first son. 6 years later of constant sadness Tom seeks hope and faith for the future and goes to church. He then realizes by the gods that he shouldn't be worrying about his future, instead he should be worrying about the present so the future will succeed on its own. Tom then has an epiphany about pooling all of his and Jennifer's remaining luxury and donating it to their neighbors with a sign in front of all their belongings. Saying "Take on item and tell us your story." With this event happening Jennifer is on the fence about this whole situation and is putting her faith into Tom.  They soon are questioned by their neighbors why they are doing this and why it all must go.
Tom then replies with a statement about how he wishes others to experience happiness with luxury in their items, while they he and Jennifer receive happiness by their emotions and heart felt moments. More and more people are stopping by and taking Tom and Jennifer's goods and sharing their stories of how the depression changed their lives. Soon after, all of Tom and Jennifer's luxury items are gone and they are only left with hundreds of stories about how the depression changed their lives. Tom then makes a single flyer for each story and posts them all around their neighborhood. People are reading these flyers and are noticing all of the awareness produced by Tom and Jennifer. Then soon after, Tom and Jennifer are woken by in the middle of the night by a couple that lives down the street from them and wishes to come in and talk. They are talking about how grateful they are for their goods Tom and Jen gave to this couple. This couple talks about how the baby crib they took gave their baby daughter a proper sleeping place and puts less stress on their shoulders. In thanks they give Tom and Jen $50. Tom and Jen are then shocked and surprised by how much money they had. And the couple goes on to explain that the whole neighborhood pooled money together and give back from the happiness they received from the gifts Tom and Jen gave. The couple then ask them to come outside and as they open the door, the whole neighborhood are standing there smiling and holding their gifts to show how it changed their lives. 

HAYS Code:
This film does not produce any violent, sex, drug, anti-political filled events within the whole screening. It does however talk about Jen having a miscarriage and how the HAYS Code prohibits the talk/showing of child birth/death. So in this specific scene in the beginning, It will have to be inferred that the child died. It will be set up in a hospital room and Jen and Tom are there holding hands and the doctor is talking to Jen but we cannot hear what he says but then Jen starts to cry deeply and Tom hugs her. Other then that, there aren't any other topics that go against the HAYS Code. It is a family friendly film so all eyes can view as well.

Since Columbia Pictures has a smaller budget value the whole film is in black and white except for the church and final scene where all the hope shows and happiness is filled so the audience knows color is associated with a great moment/fantasy. 

Other Comments:
This film would work well for the year 1935 because it addresses rough situations that many people were facing at the time during the effects of the depression. So audience members can relate to this film which will give them hope by watching it all the way through and realizing what life is truly about.

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